

class CohereReranker(model='rerank-english-v3.0', rank_by=None, limit=5, return_score=True, api_config=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseReranker

The CohereReranker class uses Cohere’s API to rerank documents based on an input query.

This reranker is designed to interact with Cohere’s /rerank API, requiring an API key for authentication. The key can be provided directly in the api_config dictionary or through the COHERE_API_KEY environment variable. User must obtain an API key from Cohere’s website ( Additionally, the cohere python client must be installed with pip install cohere.

from redisvl.utils.rerank import CohereReranker

# set up the Cohere reranker with some configuration
reranker = CohereReranker(rank_by=["content"], limit=2)
# rerank raw search results based on user input/query
results = reranker.rank(
    query="your input query text here",
        {"content": "document 1"},
        {"content": "document 2"},
        {"content": "document 3"}

Initialize the CohereReranker with specified model, ranking criteria, and API configuration.

  • model (str) – The identifier for the Cohere model used for reranking. Defaults to ‘rerank-english-v3.0’.

  • rank_by (Optional[List[str]]) – Optional list of keys specifying the attributes in the documents that should be considered for ranking. None means ranking will rely on the model’s default behavior.

  • limit (int) – The maximum number of results to return after reranking. Must be a positive integer.

  • return_score (bool) – Whether to return scores alongside the reranked results.

  • api_config (Optional[Dict], optional) – Dictionary containing the API key. Defaults to None.

  • ImportError – If the cohere library is not installed.

  • ValueError – If the API key is not provided.

async arank(query, docs, **kwargs)[source]#

Rerank documents based on the provided query using the Cohere rerank API.

This method processes the user’s query and the provided documents to rerank them in a manner that is potentially more relevant to the query’s context.

  • query (str) – The user’s search query.

  • docs (Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]) – The list of documents to be ranked, either as dictionaries or strings.


The reranked list of documents and optionally associated scores.

Return type:

Union[Tuple[Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]], float], List[Dict[str, Any]]]

rank(query, docs, **kwargs)[source]#

Rerank documents based on the provided query using the Cohere rerank API.

This method processes the user’s query and the provided documents to rerank them in a manner that is potentially more relevant to the query’s context.

  • query (str) – The user’s search query.

  • docs (Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]) – The list of documents to be ranked, either as dictionaries or strings.


The reranked list of documents and optionally associated scores.

Return type:

Union[Tuple[Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]], float], List[Dict[str, Any]]]


class HFCrossEncoderReranker(model='cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2', limit=3, return_score=True, *, rank_by=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseReranker

The HFCrossEncoderReranker class uses a cross-encoder models from Hugging Face to rerank documents based on an input query.

This reranker loads a cross-encoder model using the CrossEncoder class from the sentence_transformers library. It requires the sentence_transformers library to be installed.

from redisvl.utils.rerank import HFCrossEncoderReranker

# set up the HFCrossEncoderReranker with a specific model
reranker = HFCrossEncoderReranker(model_name="cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2", limit=3)
# rerank raw search results based on user input/query
results = reranker.rank(
    query="your input query text here",
        {"content": "document 1"},
        {"content": "document 2"},
        {"content": "document 3"}

Initialize the HFCrossEncoderReranker with a specified model and ranking criteria.

  • model (str) – The name or path of the cross-encoder model to use for reranking. Defaults to ‘cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2’.

  • limit (int) – The maximum number of results to return after reranking. Must be a positive integer.

  • return_score (bool) – Whether to return scores alongside the reranked results.

  • rank_by (List[str] | None)

async arank(query, docs, **kwargs)[source]#

Asynchronously rerank documents based on the provided query using the loaded cross-encoder model.

This method processes the user’s query and the provided documents to rerank them in a manner that is potentially more relevant to the query’s context.

  • query (str) – The user’s search query.

  • docs (Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]) – The list of documents to be ranked, either as dictionaries or strings.


The reranked list of documents and optionally associated scores.

Return type:

Union[Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[float]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]

rank(query, docs, **kwargs)[source]#

Rerank documents based on the provided query using the loaded cross-encoder model.

This method processes the user’s query and the provided documents to rerank them in a manner that is potentially more relevant to the query’s context.

  • query (str) – The user’s search query.

  • docs (Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]) – The list of documents to be ranked, either as dictionaries or strings.


The reranked list of documents and optionally associated scores.

Return type:

Union[Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[float]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]


class VoyageAIReranker(model, rank_by=None, limit=5, return_score=True, api_config=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseReranker

The VoyageAIReranker class uses VoyageAI’s API to rerank documents based on an input query.

This reranker is designed to interact with VoyageAI’s /rerank API, requiring an API key for authentication. The key can be provided directly in the api_config dictionary or through the VOYAGE_API_KEY environment variable. User must obtain an API key from VoyageAI’s website ( Additionally, the voyageai python client must be installed with pip install voyageai.

from redisvl.utils.rerank import VoyageAIReranker

# set up the VoyageAI reranker with some configuration
reranker = VoyageAIReranker(rank_by=["content"], limit=2)
# rerank raw search results based on user input/query
results = reranker.rank(
    query="your input query text here",
        {"content": "document 1"},
        {"content": "document 2"},
        {"content": "document 3"}

Initialize the VoyageAIReranker with specified model, ranking criteria, and API configuration.

  • model (str) – The identifier for the VoyageAI model used for reranking.

  • rank_by (Optional[List[str]]) – Optional list of keys specifying the attributes in the documents that should be considered for ranking. None means ranking will rely on the model’s default behavior.

  • limit (int) – The maximum number of results to return after reranking. Must be a positive integer.

  • return_score (bool) – Whether to return scores alongside the reranked results.

  • api_config (Optional[Dict], optional) – Dictionary containing the API key. Defaults to None.

  • ImportError – If the voyageai library is not installed.

  • ValueError – If the API key is not provided.

async arank(query, docs, **kwargs)[source]#

Rerank documents based on the provided query using the VoyageAI rerank API.

This method processes the user’s query and the provided documents to rerank them in a manner that is potentially more relevant to the query’s context.

  • query (str) – The user’s search query.

  • docs (Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]) – The list of documents to be ranked, either as dictionaries or strings.


The reranked list of documents and optionally associated scores.

Return type:

Union[Tuple[Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]], float], List[Dict[str, Any]]]

rank(query, docs, **kwargs)[source]#

Rerank documents based on the provided query using the VoyageAI rerank API.

This method processes the user’s query and the provided documents to rerank them in a manner that is potentially more relevant to the query’s context.

  • query (str) – The user’s search query.

  • docs (Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]) – The list of documents to be ranked, either as dictionaries or strings.


The reranked list of documents and optionally associated scores.

Return type:

Union[Tuple[Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]], float], List[Dict[str, Any]]]