The RedisVL CLI#
RedisVL is a Python library with a dedicated CLI to help load and create vector search indices within Redis.
This notebook will walk through how to use the Redis Vector Library CLI (rvl
Before running this notebook, be sure to
Have installed
and have that environment active for this notebook.Have a running Redis instance with the Search and Query capability
# First, see if the rvl tool is installed
!rvl version
14:08:09 [RedisVL] INFO RedisVL version 0.3.8
The rvl index
command can be used for a number of tasks related to creating and managing indices. Whether you are working in Python or another language, this cli tool can still be useful for managing and inspecting your indices.
First, we will create an index from a yaml schema that looks like the following:
%%writefile schema.yaml
version: '0.1.0'
name: vectorizers
prefix: doc
storage_type: hash
- name: sentence
type: text
- name: embedding
type: vector
dims: 768
algorithm: flat
distance_metric: cosine
Overwriting schema.yaml
# Create an index from a yaml schema
!rvl index create -s schema.yaml
22:33:31 [RedisVL] INFO Index created successfully
# list the indices that are available
!rvl index listall
22:33:33 [RedisVL] INFO Indices:
22:33:33 [RedisVL] INFO 1. vectorizers
# inspect the index fields
!rvl index info -i vectorizers
Index Information:
│ Index Name │ Storage Type │ Prefixes │ Index Options │ Indexing │
│ vectorizers │ HASH │ ['doc'] │ [] │ 0 │
Index Fields:
│ Name │ Attribute │ Type │ Field Option │ Option Value │ Field Option │ Option Value │ Field Option │ Option Value │ Field Option │ Option Value │
│ sentence │ sentence │ TEXT │ WEIGHT │ 1 │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ embedding │ embedding │ VECTOR │ algorithm │ FLAT │ data_type │ FLOAT32 │ dim │ 768 │ distance_metric │ COSINE │
# delete an index without deleting the data within it
!rvl index delete -i vectorizers
22:33:36 [RedisVL] INFO Index deleted successfully
# see the index
!rvl index listall
22:33:37 [RedisVL] INFO Indices:
The rvl stats
command will return some basic information about the index. This is useful for checking the status of an index, or for getting information about the index to use in other commands.
# create a new index with the same schema
!rvl index create -s schema.yaml
22:33:40 [RedisVL] INFO Index created successfully
# list the indices that are available
!rvl index listall
22:33:42 [RedisVL] INFO Indices:
22:33:42 [RedisVL] INFO 1. vectorizers
# see all the stats for the index
!rvl stats -i vectorizers
│ Stat Key │ Value │
│ num_docs │ 0 │
│ num_terms │ 0 │
│ max_doc_id │ 0 │
│ num_records │ 0 │
│ percent_indexed │ 1 │
│ hash_indexing_failures │ 0 │
│ number_of_uses │ 1 │
│ bytes_per_record_avg │ nan │
│ doc_table_size_mb │ 0 │
│ inverted_sz_mb │ 0 │
│ key_table_size_mb │ 0 │
│ offset_bits_per_record_avg │ nan │
│ offset_vectors_sz_mb │ 0 │
│ offsets_per_term_avg │ nan │
│ records_per_doc_avg │ nan │
│ sortable_values_size_mb │ 0 │
│ total_indexing_time │ 0 │
│ total_inverted_index_blocks │ 0 │
│ vector_index_sz_mb │ 0.00818634 │
!rvl index destroy -i vectorizers
22:33:45 [RedisVL] INFO Index deleted successfully